We are 3 South African (or similar) adventure seekers, well not professionally really. Delilah and I (Lindsay), are married and Andre is a close friend.
Delilah and a will set off on our journey in the 1st September 2010, spending 3 weeks in Europe. Andre will join us on our journey in Venice, where we cross over to Egypt, and stay with us till Zambia, where we head off through Namibia to SA. We intend travelling for at least 100 days to reach Cape Town experiencing all the cultures along the way
Nothing much to say about myself at the moment except that I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and when chatting with Andre about a year ago, who had the same idea, everything just packaged itself together from there. Delilah, well she is always up for anything, and if anything goes wrong, it was her idea anyway.
I am sure that Andre and Delilah will post something interesting in the near future........